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How to create an account
How to create an account
Updated over a week ago


To create an account at, simply install the application on your device and sign up using Facebook, Google or a personal email.

When you do this, you will receive a confirmation link in your inbox, which expires in 15 minutes. Every time you log into the app, you will receive the same email, as this is a security measure to ensure that you are the one using the app. For it to work, the link must be opened on the same cell phone where the app is installed.

After confirming your registration, you will need to set up a security code and confirm your identity. The process is simple and quick, and usually takes less than 5 minutes to complete. At this stage we only ask for your full name, CPF and date of birth, and a photo of your face. If all data are correct and the photo is well lit and shows your full face, your identity will be confirmed and you will be able to use all the features of the application.

To better understand how the privacy and security of your data works, you can check our Privacy Policy.

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